The common misconception with the term Joint Physical Custody is that it equates to the children spending equal time with both parents. Although there is not a fixed amount of time required for Joint Physical Custody, it is commonly defined as each parent having a substantial periods of time with the minor children. Common timesharing arrangements that are widely known as Joint Physical Custody are where the parents alternate weeks or some variation of a shared scheduled (4 days with one parent then 3 days with the other etc.). The importance of having Joint Physical Custody is that it creates an additional burden if one parent wants to move out of the area. Unlike Sole Physical Custody where a parent can move anywhere with the children for any real reason (outside of intentionally thwarting the other parent’s right to visitation), Joint Physical Custody requires that the parent obtain the consent of the other parent prior to moving or showing to the court a substantial change in circumstances that necessitates the move. In custody cases, it is paramount that you have a competent attorney that is well versed in Family Law that will not leave your right to custody to chance, but who can provide guidance as to how to achieve the best result for you and your children. Contact Family law attorney Paul A. Eads today if you have any further questions.