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Is There Gender Preference When Deciding Child Custody and Visitation Orders?


Are Mothers Favored Over Fathers?

This is a frequently asked question that I run into. I usually hear this question from fathers who come to me with a belief that judges still favor mothers over fathers. FC 3020 sets forth a prohibition against expressing a gender preference in making custody and visitation orders. However, please keep in mind that judges are people to and are shaped by their prior experiences and have a set of values and biases as the ordinary person has.

Contact a Family Law Attorney to Protect Your Legal Rights

Despite this prohibition, I believe that this preference still exists in certain courtrooms. I cannot stress the importance of knowing the judicial officer handling your case BEFORE your first hearing as there are specific timelines as to when you can request a new judicial officer. If you need an experienced family law attorney who is familiar with the local family law judiciary, contact Covina attorney Paul Eads today.

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