What is the Law Regarding Joint Legal Custody?
Family code 3082 sets forth that to the extent such circumstances have not been specified, either parent acting alone may exercise legal control of the child. For example, if the order agreed to by the parties does not specify that both parent's consent is not required to obtain a child's driver's license or to enroll the child in an extra-curricular activity, either parent acting alone may do so. There are many areas in which a parent may want to be part of the decision making process and not want a decision made without them.
Contact an Family Law Attorney to Represent Your Interests
That is why I recommend contacting an experienced family law attorney who is familiar with the vast array of circumstances that you may be involved in making decisions regarding so that you are not caught off guard or have the decision made without you.
If you have questions about legal custody, contact Covina attorney Paul Eads today.